Call for papers

We are pleased to announce that the Social Sciences and Education Research Review (SSERR), published by the Department of Communication, Journalism and Education Sciences of the Faculty of Letters from the University of Craiova is currently accepting papers for publication for the 2017/2 issue.

The deadline for this call is 15th of August 2017. All papers should be submitted for review at [email protected] according to the author guidelines.

Social Sciences and Education Research Review is an open-access journal that adheres to the standards of double blinded peer-review. The scientific review assumes the mission to publish only significant contributions, original papers on communication, journalistic and educational phenomena, practices, methods, techniques and procedures. It also publishes reviews of books with high impact within the field of social sciences.

Detailed information about the journal, guidelines for authors, as well as the complete journal archive will be found at

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].